Introduction to Biometrics
Learn about what biometrics is, what operations does it offer and what to expect in the field.
Course Description
Introduction to Biometrics
Personal identification and biometrics
Introduction to Biometrics Quiz
Biometric terminology – Basic terms
Biometric Terminology
Biometric sample and biometric template
Capture and extraction
Probe and Reference
Biometric Comparison
Comparison Score
Claimed and unclaimed identity
Biometric Verification
Verification vs. Identification
Biometric Terminology Quiz
Failures and errors in biometrics
Entrollment Failures
Quality Assurance and Enrollment failures
Failure to Detect
Failure to Capture
Failure to Process
Failure to Acquire
Failure to Enroll
Enrollment Failures Quiz
Comparison and decision errors
Verification Errors
Verification errors
False Accept Rate (False Match Rate)
False Reject Rate (False Non-Match Rate)
Verification Benchmarks
Verification Errors Quiz
Identification errors
Identification Errors
Failure to Find and Candidate Count
Identification threshold
False Negative Identification-error Rate (FNIR) (1: N)
False Positive Identification-error Rate (FPIR)
Positive and Negative identification
Identification Benchmarks
Identification Errors Quiz
Introduction to Biometrics Final Test